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Tips for Boosting Your LinkedIn Posts to Reach Your Entire Network

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GreenStar Marketing

Tips for Boosting Your LinkedIn Posts to Reach Your Entire Network
Tips for Boosting Your LinkedIn Posts to Reach Your Entire Network featured image

LinkedIn is a great way to create connections with others within your industry. Potential rockstar employees, prospective customers, and viable partners can all be found with this practical social platform. It serves as an invaluable free resource to expand your business strategies. 

But it doesn’t always have to be free. LinkedIn provides ways to pay for more reach and greater visibility on the platform. This is obviously good for LinkedIn, but it can also be great for you. The platform now lets you boost posts from both personal and company profile pages (previously, they only allow for boosting company posts). Using this paid boost, you can reach your entire network with your posts. 

But you don’t want to squander your advertising dollars on boosted posts without taking the right steps to ensure they will have the largest impact on your audience. Here are some easy-to-follow LinkedIn posting tips to help you make the most of your boosted content. 

Identify Your Target Audience 

Step one is to find out exactly who you want to reach with your boosted posts. Before you do anything else, you want to understand the wants, needs, tendencies, and habits of your target audience. Sending the right message to the wrong people won’t be useful and the same goes for sending the wrong message to the right people. 

For example, your audience of US-based marketers might not find European regulatory policy very interesting or helpful. Know your audience and step into their shoes—that will allow you to determine what they would want to learn about. 

A good practice for this is to create a persona. This is a fictional person who represents your typical audience member. Maybe it’s Todd, the sales representative from Kentucky who is looking to expand his book about business. It could be Sandra, a fitness instructor in California who wants to create a website. Doing this allows you to determine their routines, habits, wants, and needs when it comes to consuming content on LinkedIn. 

Optimize Your Content for Engagement 

First, you’ll want to create relevant and engaging content. Easy enough, right? Most everyone wants to post great content, but few know how. 

Of course, if you followed LinkedIn posting tip one, you already have a good grasp of your target audience. You might even have a persona to work with. Now you can ask yourself what kind of content would interest that persona. Do you post top networking advice for Todd the salesman or do you post a link to a step-by-step guide on creating a great website for Sandra the fitness instructor? It’s all based on who you’re trying to reach. 

You also want to focus on creating headlines that grab people’s attention. Use visuals like photos, icons, videos, and infographics to better illustrate points more quickly. Think about whatever would make your target audience persona stop scrolling and consider incorporating it into your content. 

Lastly, even though having a CTA focus is important, you don’t want to just post content that directly points people to your business. Find a balance between posting unbranded, helpful, interesting content and posting branded content that is no less helpful and interesting. However, your branded posts are the ones you will want to boost since those advertising dollars will go to views that could convert. 

Timing Is Key: Post Strategically 

Marketing is all about getting the right message in front of the right people at the right time. However, people often forget that last part. They create the perfect post, identify their target audience, and then just click “post” without any thought as to the timing of the message. 

Once you have your target audience, consider what times those individuals will be most active on LinkedIn. Do you want your post to go out earlier in the morning so it’s the first thing they see? Do you post when people are getting back into the office after lunch? Understanding your audience means understanding their behavior and the best time to reach them. 

Another timing consideration is time zones. Is a large part of your audience on a different US coast? Are they on a different continent? If your goal is to post at the perfect time, you need to take these into consideration. Before posting you can schedule a post to go live at a time more appropriate to your audience’s time zone. 

It All Comes Down to Effective Communication 

LinkedIn is a great way to get your message out there to your network. Hopefully, you found some of these LinkedIn posting tips to be helpful in your business marketing goals. But marketing just boils down to communication, which makes up the core of almost every aspect of business. 

To take your communication system to the next level, RingLogix can help. With a host of cloud-based unified communication solutions, we enable your team to work from anywhere and still stay connected. Contact us today to learn more. 

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